Eco School
Greenwood is proud to be associated with this initiative. The programme involves many aspects of school life and encourages schools to:
• Improve the school environment
• Reduce waste and litter
• Reduce energy and water bills
• Promote healthy lifestyles
• Consider efficient ways of travelling to and from school
• Encourages citizenship
We have achieved the Bronze and Silver awards and two Green Flags!
We are fortunate to have the support of parents and friends of the school who strive to make the school grounds pleasing to the eye and a good resource as an outside classroom. In recent years the grounds have been enhanced by the addition of a Willow Dome, log Story Circle, fruit trees, berry canes, log pile for mini beast hunts, planting of indigenous trees, raised beds and a wild life pond area. This year a new outdoor classroom will be erected, paid for by contributions from PTA and school fund.
The children are actively involved in all that takes place and thoroughly enjoy spending time in “the garden”, particularly when the summer weather permits eating lunch and playing outside.
In June 2007 the school was awarded a “Runner Up” certificate in the “Best Kept Awards” in recognition of the high standard of care that is taken by all responsible and using the school grounds.
The school year 2007/8 saw the completion of further developments in our school grounds. Having fought off stiff opposition and been awarded £4000 through the RBS bank's Supergrounds scheme, we established an outdoor Trim Trail. Not only does this provide wonderful opportunities for outdoor play, it also enhances the aesthetic appeal of the local school environment. Greenwood also received an additional £500 as our project was deemed to be the best that year! This money was used to purchase garden furniture made from recycled materials.
Celebrations took place in the summer term of 2008/9 and then again in 2013/14 when Greenwood was awarded the prestigious and internationally recognised Green Flag for outstanding achievements in all seven areas of Eco schools work. An incredible amount of effort enabled this to happen The Green Flags were presented to the committee at a reception held in the Lord Mayor's parlour in the city Hall, Belfast. We are currently maintaining the high level of work required to retain Green Flag status.
The school also won £875 from Curtis Cars for their proposals for an outdoor classroom.
Anyone with an interest in the work of the Eco-committee or a skill they would be willing to offer would be welcome to join this very enthusiastic group. The committee also has representatives elected from the Primary three classes.
Please check the ECO notice board in the foyer for up to date information.