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Starting Nursery

Welcome To Our Nursery


We are so pleased that your child will be joining us at nursery in September.

Starting nursery is such a special time for both children and parents. Our Nursery induction may look a little different than usual this year but please be assured that we will do everything we can to ensure that your child’s transition to nursery is as smooth (and exciting) as possible.




We hope to organise short visits to nursery in late August. These will provide your child and you with an opportunity to meet Mrs Bonner and Miss Killough and allow your child to visit the nursery classroom prior to his/her official start date. We hope these visits will help with your child’s transition to Nursery. Details of these visits and individual times will be issued in due course.

In the meantime, we have set up this dedicated page on our website which will continue to be updated with important information.

If you have any queries regarding Nursery or would like to talk to me about your child commencing pre-school, please do not hesitate to contact me via email ( or and I will then contact you by telephone to talk to you about your queries.


Yours sincerely,

Lindy Forster 

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