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Why Choose Greenwood?

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make. We at Greenwood want to welcome you and believe selecting our school for your child will ensure the best possible start to their education.


The school aims to provide a rich and varied curriculum to promote the all round development of each child, in a happy, caring environment.  We establish competence in the basic skills and pride ourselves on developing the pupils’ confidence, self-esteem and independence. Enjoyment in learning is considered important and through a carefully structured curriculum, we enable children to foster their intellectual, physical, aesthetic, moral and spiritual development.

Parents are always welcome at Greenwood and strong links are established. Parents are kept well informed of their child’s progress through consultations, written reports and information evenings. Informal contact with the teaching staff is also valued.  The school has an enthusiastic PTA that provides excellent financial support for the school through organising memorable events for pupils and adults.


The school building is a blend of traditional and modern with excellent facilities and resources. The extensive school grounds are used for science, outdoor play and sports coaching. Children will have first hand experience of planting, tending and investigating, thus extending their curricular experiences.

The three classes in each year group plan learning activities collaboratively. Resources and teacher expertise are also combined. Over £40,000 has been spent last year alone on new resources, including iPads for all classes. Prudent management of available funding ensures this will continue.


The Northern Ireland Curriculum forms the core of the education we offer. However, we believe, and parents confirm our view, that the pastoral dimension evident at Greenwood provides a strong, supportive ethos that enables our pupils to settle into school easily and prepares them for the future. We also have many visitors coming to school( wild life experts, theatre companies, musicians, fitness coaches etc) and have a programme of school trips.


The curriculum is further enhanced by the extra-curricular activities on offer- a school choir, solo singing and verse speaking tuition for Festival entries, and for the older pupils, art club, French lessons, tennis club, football and rgymnastics, in addition to “Monday Clubs” for all P3 pupils which offer ICT, cookery, drama and music.


Greenwood is a thriving community of children and adults who work together in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. We welcome you to join us.

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