E-Safety in Greenwood

The e-safety curriculum being followed is the collaborative work of Greenwood, Belmont and Dundela Primary Schools ICT Co-ordinators with guidance from the UK Council for Child Internet Safety.
All children will follow a progressive online safety curriculum aimed at ensuring that they are equipped with the skills to keep them safe online.
The following table includes what has been taught in school and will be updated each block. Please have a chat with your child about what they have been learning!

Block One (September & October)
Primary One
In P1 we will be learning what privacy is!
Primary Two
In P2 we will be learning about online security and why we need to keep information private and secure!
Primary Three
In P3 we are learning about in-app purchases and how easy it can be to make unintended purchases!

Block Two (November & December)
Primary One
In P1 we will be learning to think before we speak!
Primary Two
In P2 we will be learning that people can be unkind online and what we can do about it.
Primary Three
In P3 we are learning about the best ways to behave online so that we don’t upset others.

Block Three (January & February)
January and February- This half term we will be focusing on
Safer Internet Day 11th February 2020.
The focus is ‘Free to be me- exploring identity on line’
Primary One
In P1 we will be learning, ‘When I’m on line, I’m still me!’
Primary Two
In P2 we will be learning about how our behaviour online and offline should be the same.
Primary Three
In P3 we are learning about what we use the internet for, how to stay safe and the importance of knowing it’s ok to be you online!